Dungeons and Dragons 4E Resources

The Fourth of Edition of the Dungeons and Dragons game is pretty popular. There are a lot of websites out there on the interwebs that offer a whole lot of information on the game, and if you're new to it, it can all be pretty overwhelming. It's okay, I understand. I'm here to help.  Here are several good places to start digging deeper into the game.

At-Will is a great place to start. There are a ton of articles and podcasts and all of it is top-notch stuff that can help you dig deeper into the 4E system. He also hosts a totally awesome 4th Edition webchat. Check it out! Everyone there is pretty friendly, most of the time.

Sly Fourish is devoted to "Building the Better Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition Dungeon Master", and that's no joke. This guy also runs 4Eblogs.com which is an aggregator page for several of the best 4th Edition blogs around the net. I haven't made the list yet, but I'm working on it. Patience, young grasshopper.

Save Versus Death has got the ball rolling on this whole "FourthCore" movement, and it's pretty excellent stuff.

Beyond the Stat Block has the lofty mission of providing flavour text for every published monster attack power in 4E D&D. It's really a community project; anyone can join and help out. So go. Join. He needs your help!

Power2ool.com is a website that helps you organize and run your 4E campaign. It has a lot of cool things going for it: if you have a D&D Insider Account, you can access the compendium directly. You have the ability to create your own power cards and other statblocks, formatted to look just like official material. There is also a dice roller and sticky notes.

AdventuringKit.com lets you easily create monster stat blocks formatted just like the ones in the Monster Manuals, and it does the math for you. It can also help you write out adventures, complete with customizable grid-maps.

Obsidian Portal basically lets you create a wiki for your RPG campaign, and not just 4E D&D either.

Masterplan is a free downloadable program that you can use to build monsters, create adventures and skill challenges, organize your plot, and make maps.

iplay4E works with your D&D Insider Account to organize your characters directly from the official WotC Character Builder. It also lets you track power usage, hit points, etc during play, so you could actually play without having to print out those obnoxious 4+ page character sheets level after level.

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