Thursday, November 28, 2013


I have hardly even thought about D&D or any other types of RPGs in months. It's pretty much been all Magic: the Gathering here, which has done an excellent job of sating my fantasy gaming needs of late. 

Now, on this National Day of Mourning, I'm enjoying the rare day off work and randomly just popped onto my old blog here to see what was going on, and after clicking on a few other links in the OSR-osphere, found myself sucked into post after post at the Dungeon Dozen

Every single post there just oozes so much possibility. The randomness, the hilarity, the devious plots and the gory endings. Of course I couldn't help but wonder just what a campaign would look like, determined by these random charts. 

Seems fun. Not sure if it'll happen. 

Anyway, thanks for the inspiration, Dungeon Dozen!